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About Doll Customizing

Here you can learn about the basic to Doll Customizing as a hobby. Learn about what kinds of materials the creators use, the basics of making one of a kind dolls, and just how different each creator’s techniques differ fom one another. Keep in mind this hobby is not safe for all ages due to the materials being used.

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Getting Started as a Customizer

    Watching creators work can help someone learn how the process Doll creator, and YouTuber Dollightful has created videos that can guide people through their first doll customizing. The basics of doll customizing are as follows:
    • Creating the Concept Art
    • Selecting a doll base
    • Removing the hair and painted face
    • Repaint the face
    • Reroot the hair
    • Give the doll new clothes
Some doll customs went through more complex modifications, though that is entirely up to the individual. However, should you wish to create more intricate doll customs, be aware of the proper safety precautions! For more information or instructions about such modifications, do research beforehand to ensure your own safety and that the doll will be the best it can be.


  • Like any art project, it cannot simply come into being on its own. You need to use the best materials suited for the job. While the most minimal customs only require a few tools, all customizers should be prepared and have any other kinds of materials that may be needed in the future.
  • Customizer Samantha Sterling on has posted a detail explanation on the materials needed and some of the first steps to customizations. The materials are as followed:
    • A doll of any kind (Barbie, Monster High, etc.)
    • Hair Straightener
    • Hair Rerooting Tool
    • Elmer’s Glue
    • Needles and Thread
    • Mr. Super Clear (MSC) (optional)
    • Scissors and X-acto Knife
    • Nail polish remover or Acetone
    • Watercolor Pencils (optional)
    • Acrylic Paint
    • Acrylic Yarn of any color
    • Fabric
    • A Doll Stand
Dollightful halloween Dolls
The doll can be from any marketing company (Barbie, Ever After high, Monster High, Disney etc). The hair straightener is a way to help create hair wefts which is one of the ways you could give a doll hair. If you wish to make clothes by hand, you will need the needle or sewing machine, thread, and fabric (bought or recycled). Mr. Super Clear (also known as MSC) is a spray that prevents paint or pencil marks from chipping, and is a good way to layer opacity. The nail polish remover or Acetone are used to remove the factory paint for the doll’s default face and additional design elements. While you can buy nylon doll hair, acrylic yarn is a much more affordable way to create hair.

decora kei Doll

The most important part about Doll Customizing, like any artistic hobby, is to have knowledge on the subject. Much like how a painter wouldn’t inherently know how to sculpt clay, not everyone knows how to modify dolls. It’s important to do the research and to make a plan before ever trying to use the materials necessary, because some of the tools can be dangerous to use. Such as how toxic MSC is to breathe, or how sharp the blade of an X-acto knife can get. This hobby is not for young children to participate in. Nor should it be done without any practice. Take good care to learn about the process so you will know what to do and how you can do it safely.

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